Oracle VM Security: Sometimes you need hip waders

Have you ever read something and thought, “what a load of crap. I had better get my hip waders out.”

Well, as a cynical jaded DBA, I have that experience regularly.

Take this blog post on Oracle VM where Rene Kundersma who is a Technical Architect with Oracle explains Oracle’s reasons for NOT shipping Oracle VM with a “fancy Gnome X-Window” environment:

“Oracle has it reasons to NOT ship Oracle VM with all the bells and whistles of a fancy Gnome X-Window environment. This has to do with vulnerabilities, not tested situations of software combination’s and whatever reason that makes Oracle VM not to behave as tested and intended.”

Vulnerabilities as the reason for Oracle VM not having a “fancy X-Window environment”. Vulnerabilities… really? But isn’t Oracle VM running on a special version of Oracle Unbreakable Linux (hint: yes – they’re both based off of RedHat Enterprise Linux)?

Want to get to the console of a VM running under Oracle VM? It uses VNC. Sure, you need to know the password to connect to the VNC Desktop, but guess what, the VNC traffic isn’t encrypted. The password is sent in cleartext.

Unbreakable indeed.

I find this all the more contradictory when one of Oracle’s talking points for why to use Oracle VM is Secure Live Migration which SSL encrypts the live migration (aka vMotion) traffic. My favorite line: “No need to purchase special hardware or deploy special secure networks. “

No need to deploy special secure networks! VLANs? Who needs them? We’ve got encrypted live migration!

Oh wait, in Oracle’s own Oracle Real Application Clusters in Oracle VM Environments guide, there’s this tidbit

“While Secure Live Migration is enabled by default, it should be considered that a secure connection to the remote guest (using –ssl) adds overhead to the Live Migration operation. It is therefore recommended to avoid such secure connections, if permitted. In general, a secure connection can be avoided, if the Live Migration network is inherently secure. “

Seriously Oracle, which is it?

But let’s get back to the main point Rene was trying to get across – that Oracle VM doesn’t come with a GUI to reduce vulnerabilities. Oracle’s October 2010 CPU (Critical Patch Update) was released on October 12th, 2010 and for the current version of Oracle VM (2.2.1) it lists 4 vulnerabilities, 3 of which have a base score of 9.0 (the scale is from 0.0 to 10.0, with 10.0 representing the highest severity of vulnerability). All 3 of those 9/10 severity vulnerabilities have a low access complexity (they’re easy to do) and result in complete access.

Oracle, thank you for not including a “fancy Gnome X-Window” with Oracle VM so as to reduce vulnerabilities. Given how insecure your product appears without a GUI, I shudder to think what things would be like with a GUI.

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