Tag Archives: mysql

Mysql class

So although I’ve  been working as an Oracle Apps DBA for over a decade, I’m spending the next 10 Tuesday evenings going to a beginner class for mysql.  You can find the class syllabus at http://geekaustin.org/news/2010/05/15/geekaustin-mysql-certification-class-starts-tuesday-may-18th

With Oracle’s acquisition on Sun earlier this year, Oracle now has greater influence on the path of mysql (yes, yes, it’s open source and like Java it isn’t *owned* by Oracle, but let’s face it, when you are the company providing much of the developer resources, you can influence the product direction).  Although my main job responsibilities are running all of my client Oracle systems, I also am a Redhat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and provide whatever linux services are necessary.  Lots of products don’t need the robustness of products like Oracle and MySQL, being free as-in-beer, is a good choice.  So I’m off to class.

Last night was the first class.  I’d say about 50 people showed up and class covered topics like client vs. server vs. host and how to do basics like importing a mysql database, doing a mysqldump, and “root”ing your MySQL dbs if/when you forget the passwords.  There was also discussion on the various clauses of a SELECT statement.  Overall, a well taught and fun couple of hours.  I look forward to the next class.

The goal of the class is to prepare the students to take and pass the Certified MySQL Associate certification offered at http://www.mysql.com/certification/candguide.html#t21  .  I’m not sure if I’m going to go for that certification or for the more appropriate for me ( Certified MySQL 5.1 Database Administrator (CMDBA 5.1)) certification which will require quite a bit of extra studying on my own.  Have to see how my free time pans out over the next couple of months.  I do wonder if the MySQL exams will be re-written to be like the other Oracle exams now that Oracle owns Sun.

For those who want to study on their own, supposedly everything for the exams can be found in the book titled “MySQL 5.0 Certification Study Guide” .  It’s available on amazon and also online at Safari Books.  For those curious, it’s quite readable on an iphone.